Open Write: Thursday, 31 October 2013. On the final Thursday of each month, we gathered in the lobby of Jack Straw Productions to write together, motivated under the kindly administered riding crop of the curator, Stephanie Kallos (she’s the one in the back, facing west, head down, scribbling like a mad woman).

Daemond just told Stevie the joke where a novelest, a poet, and a writer of lyric essays are stuck in a life raft, debating the proper way to insert a twelve inch computer. Only the Crist seems to have gotten it.

This is what it looks like when Corry wonders what happened to the file containing her novel, when Jay wonders what happened to his coffee, and Kate wonders what happened.
Jack Straw Writers Program
It has been my privilege to be a fellow in the 2013 Jack Straw Writers Program.
Every year Jack Straw Productions supports a group of twelve writers to create new work, hone performance of the written work, learn about audio recording, and provide performance opportunities. In 2013, the Writers Program was curated by Stephanie Kallos. Stevie picked a great group. I’ve enjoyed everyone very much, both their company and their art.
These are the guilty:
Stephanie (aka Stevie) Kallos (curator)
Daemond Arrindell
Kate Carroll de Gutes
Dennis Caswell
Larry, the Crist
Jay McAleer
Emily Perez (with an accent over the first e of “Perez” except I don’t know how to do that in this lame HTML editor)
Corry Venema-Weiss
Chelsea Werner-Jatzke
After the grand finale at the Seattle Public Library, 2 November 2013, a few volunteers bravely braved a drinking establishment entitled “The Nabob”.
No maunscript is safe with Kallos around.
I believe I was peering through the wrong tri of my trifocals.

Daemond has just told the one about the poet, the essayist, and the lyric deconstructionist stuck in a life boat and debating the proper application of a can opener to the concept of the paragraph and implications for stanzaic structures in received poetic forms. Seconds later Jay guffawed so hard he blew milk through his nose. Man, we know how to have a good time!
The Last Supper, by Salvador Kallos Dali

Chelsea explains what a deconstructionist is. The joke suddenly doesn’t seem so funny anymore. {Yet Corry secretly wonders where she can fit deconstrcutionism in amongst loblolly boys. Next to the bone saw, perhaps?}
Too smart for her own britches.
Deconstructionists are people too,